Saturday, January 26, 2013

Teater Musical Destini Anak Bangsa

Musical Theater
Tan Sri Arshad Ayub

Salam peeps. While tengah ada masa ni, nak update sikit blog. Okey. Jumaat lepas, a few of our students from KTT pergi ke sebuah teater musical di  UiTM Shah Alam include me lah. The title of the teater is Teater Musical Destini Anak Bangsa Tan Sri Arshad Ayub. Actually I thought it was just a Teater of Destini Anak Bangsa.Tapi bila sampai dekat UiTM Shah Alam, see the ticket, (Kitorang dapat ticket lambat sebab menunggu Sir Asri yang lambat sampai,ticket kitorang semua kat dia. Seriously Shah Alam jammed gila ouh..) The title was a Teater Musical and was mostly about Tan Sri Arshad Ayub. Musical okey! Memula tu bila dapat tau tu teater musical, terus macam ingat tak best. Yelaaa..orang fisrt time tengok  teater macam ni lah kan..Luckily, the opening was okey. Bukan opening dia je. Tapi keseluruhan teater tu sangat Best! :) The musical best. The acting best. Semuanya best!. 

After watch this teater, I got the LESSONS which is ;
Don't easily give up to something without much effort. Sabar dan usaha sampai dapat, nampak hasil baru cerita. :) I also got some KNOWLEDGE. lepas tengok teater ni, baru aku tahu sejarah penubuhan UiTM dulu and tahu serba sedikit bout Who is Tan Sri Arshad Ayub. Kalau tak, mana lah aku tau siapa Tan Sri Arshad Ayub ni. And lastly, I also REMINDED bout what has our ancestors had being experienced semasa zaman penjajahan dulu. Dengan pengorbanan diorang, usaha diorang dan kesabaran diorang dulu dah membawa negara kita ke arah keamanan dan membangun. Actually, banyak benda yang semua orang boleh dapat bila tengok teater ni sendiri.

Okey lah.. 
For those yang nak tengok teater ni or who has never watch the teater just like me, 
the teater was still will be play until this Monday (28 Jan 2013)
The Ticket available in RM100, RM80, RM50, RM25, and RM15.

And also for those yang nak tau a little description bout the teater,
heres the link:


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