Thursday, March 29, 2012

Miss Everything ;)

Salam Peeps !!
Alraaitee! Macam biasa tentative program untuk hangout dengan FBSM, ofcourse laaa,

Arggghh !! Miss that time !!! These photo is was the 1st time we used to play roller blade.
Sangat sangat sangat funny dan FUN !!! Hahahaa. I swear it was my first time trying that thing and
all I can say is, It was SUCKS. Hahaha..I'm not lying, I'm sucks wit this roller blade thingy. But I'm a fast learner I think. But (again ) as for the beginner, biasa lah tu kan jatuh here and there. Hehee..Sekarang semua dah pro dah.. Pejam mata pun no hal lah. Thanks Asma, Mainah and Fatin :) I really had so much fun even though it hurts. Hope jadi k plan Roller kita kali ni ;)

Okey okey..Kitorang usually gaming kat Sungei Wang. If you're interest, come and enjoy for it ! Seriously, Sangat Fun !! Nak lebih detail, check this out

And from Roller Blade to BOWLING.  Well, the GOOD thing is, 
I Was NOT The One Wit The LOWEST Marks !! :)
Hahahaa.. Yang selalu ketinggalan adalah MainahTakpe,Try again next time >.<

Ehhhhh...Perjalanan kitorang belum habis lagi  taw. Tunggu dulu..Ada lagi ni..
Lepas dah penat penat gaming seharian..Mestilah tak lupa pada.....


This is also was the first time we used to eat o LEPAK at Tutty Fruity.
(haih..kaya betul kitorang ni ye.) hahahaa..Since that, Kami dah ADDICT pada Tutty Fruity!! 
Boleh koyak poket ni..hahaa. But, paling favourite is: RED VELVET !! yumm yumm >.<

Okey..itulah tentative program if kitorang keluar hangout..For sure: Duit akan jalan jalan jalan jalan... Huarghhh !! Tapi itu baru untuk sehari. Esok nye kompem lah akan keluar lagi. Keluar? Tentative nya??

*Opsss...Gambar tak boleh tayang.. It's kinda humiliating..Hahahaa.. Aku tak tipu. 
Sangat himuliate. >.< Masing masing naik hantu bila start karok. Tapi syiokkk !! Then...

Tomorrow ...

We Lost Our Voice .

Hahaa.. Thats all story morry that I really really never forget :)
Thanks for reading.

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